
Tuesday 15 January 2019

It's time to move on - physically and mentally

I kept my intentions pretty quiet, I made sure nobody was aware of my career plans, I hadn't resigned yet but I had informed my manager in confidence of my intentions to seek alternative employment opportunities.

My intention was clear, I wanted to complete my obligations with my current employer before moving on to my next challenge. I didn't want anyone to know, this had become a toxic work environment with so much infighting, backstabbing and undermining that I wanted to just complete my obligations without any further drama and leave without fanfare.

Our team leader had retired and I thought it was fitting that I go at about the same time. This was a good time to be leaving, I had no energy for the job now, no enthusiasm and no patience for fools - I wanted out. This was the right time, I knew it and so did many others.

I had already packed up my desk and private possessions I had collected over my 13 years of employment. I hadn't told anyone, maybe they thought packing up my desk was an end of year clean up as I hadn't let anyone know on this final week of the year as I really didn't want to explain the whole situation to everyone.

I will have to return for a week or so just after the Christmas break but I can't see me working more than 2 weeks. I have 3 weeks paid leave planned starting mid December, my desk has been cleared so I don't have to return if the need arises. I just wanted to hand over programs I had been running but I don't even need that as it isn't my problem anymore.

My final day of 2018 disgusted me, the total lack of respect shown to the two longest serving members of the staff was unbelievable. I really don't want to work at a place that treats their staff so poorly, the leadership vacuum that has infiltrated this workplace has allowed a toxic work environment to prosper.

Leadership is all about influence; however, this is not the type of influence I want to associate myself with. I am glad I am out of there and I feel a just pure sense of relief, this is such a good time to build new employment opportunities, networks and I can work in an environment free from this form of behaviour.


  1. Wow. Best wishes for a happier and successful future.

    1. It's an international assignment too Andrew, really looking forward to the challenge of cultural influences and finally working with a positive team.
