
Thursday 3 January 2019

I hate my job

I hate my job but this wasn't always the case. I used to enjoy getting up in the morning and heading off to work, the job itself hasn't fundamentally changed so what happened? I used to be first in and last to leave, I am still not the last in, but I do try to leave the moment the clock ticks over past knock-off time but that only lasted a couple of weeks and I was back to my old routine.

I am very ambitious and seek to do the job to the best of my ability, yet why I do I now care little about the job and the people I work with? The short answer is corruption and the politics of corruption. I am not the only one affected by this, some of the older guys are openly discussing retiring early and others not so close to retirement are considering employment elsewhere.

This is a terrible outcome for everybody; well, that is everybody except the select few who are benefitting from the efforts of everyone else. So where to from here, I am setting about exposing the corruption and will hopefully reverse the team stress instead redirecting the anguish to the members of the crony club shielding the effective team members from the corruptive forces engulfing my workplace.

Will I leave my current employment? The answer is yes but certain conditions need to be met, I will not just leave and become unemployed. I have a passion for work, I am motivated and I want to make a difference so I will not just be a guy who clocks in and out every day - I want to make a difference.

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