My career went backwards once we, a state government organisation (who remains nameless) were investigated by the CCC, that is the Corruption and Crime Commission for misconduct.
Now I don't know the results of the investigation or the recommended course of action, only the person who made the report is notified. Nonetheless, I was the one who made the discovery and began looking into this and notified my work colleagues.
After we put our heads together and worked out what was going on, all hell erupted as they were losing overtime payments whilst others who had not done the overtime were paid handsomely. A collaborative approach to leadership and problem-solving is considered textbook after all.
I made sure I informed everyone on an individual basis as to what was occurring and invited them to actually read the full timetable so they could see for themselves what was occurring. As a collective group, we have both a diverse range of views and high intelligence - one would argue higher than those calling the shots.
People were both shocked and angered, the details were right in front of them, they just needed to be shown the details. This groundswell grew and a meeting was called where I believe it got very heated, I heard about it the next day but it solved nothing.
I didn't attend this meeting as I knew this would result in nothing, there would be no changes and they would roll merrily along as they had been doing previously. From this meeting I believe began the genesis of the anonymous CCC report, someone wasn't happy about what they had just learnt and sought to do something about it - that's not difficult to deduct.
I don't know the exact details or when the report was made, I tend to believe it occurred not long after this meeting once the details had become known to all. Ok, so this doesn't implicate me at all, in fact, whilst it doesn't exonerate me, it certainly brings into doubt their claims that I was the one who made the report.
So I was dragged into the office for bullying, threatening and abusive type behavior - I was yelled at, threatened and abused. This was later denied, but if it didn't occur one has to ask, how do I, a person held deliberately out of the loop know about this actual report?
So whilst I have lost all opportunity for advancement at my current employer, I know I could at least keep them under pressure and keep them accountable. I have frequently asked these people to “show me your proof” and I am yet to receive a satisfactory answer.