
Tuesday 4 June 2019

Treating people with respect

I am a big fan of treating people with respect, it really isn't a difficult concept to grasp. Why then do so many people have trouble doing exactly that?

What I see is people full of their own importance forgetting about how they got there. We mostly began with menial jobs and worked our way up to more important roles with increased experience and in some cases education.

We are all pretty much working class, not that many are born into immense wealth where they don't need paid employment, some eventually marry into money or receive an inheritance but they are still in the minority.

In Australia, we have an egalitarian society for the best part, to be honest, I care little for the Murdoch family, Packer family or more old money such as the Fairfax family. I can't say I envy them; sure, their family wealth would be nice but they are far divorced from everyday Australians and I don't actually mind heading off to work every day.

If the billionaires of Australia can treat people respectfully then I am sure everyday Australians should have no trouble with this concept. With the exception of some, we are all pretty much working class. Whilst some have greater means than others, we all still have to show up for work on Monday morning.

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