
Saturday 20 April 2019

The Philippines beach life

I have spent the last twelve years back and forth to the Philippines as I had a terrific holiday regime through my former employer. I had amazing diving adventures during that time, the Philippines is my favourite South-East Asian country to dive.

After thirteen years of employment I have now resigned am poised to take up another position for an international firm with a reasonably generous leave roster for an international position. During those travels I have been able to visit countless beaches and enjoy the Philippine beach lifestyle. I have ten years to save for retirement, I need to start planning now.

I am considering living part of the year overseas during my retirement phase of life, I will consider a number of options including both renting and buying in the Philippines. The cost of apartments in Manila is outrageous, similar to developed countries despite the labour content being considerably less, I would suggest the price of land to be less too, even in a major centre.

The possibility to be able to purchase a property in a provincial area is very appealing to me. The Philippines frequently cites there are 7107 islands in the archipelago with some outstanding islands and beaches at these islands. Admittedly I would prefer an apartment in a centre like Manila despite the high density living and pollution as I have spent some time living in regional areas. I can head down to the beach every day if I select an island carefully.

That being said, the reduced cost of living in provincial areas coupled with a retirement pension converted from AUD to PHP is very alluring. Naturally I would need to be very selective in both the region and the island. I would want enough of a population to have access to facilities such as medical, recreation and groceries. I still have plenty of time to research and select a property as long it is at the right price as I am only allowed to own a 49% stake.

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