
Saturday 14 July 2018

A toxic work environment

I work in a toxic work environment, in order to create an equitable work environment, the purpose of conducting a review is to firstly identify a problem exists and then work on a solution informing the people involved how their actions affect others.

Or we can take another approach, you want to create a toxic work environment, let me show you what a toxic work environment really is - let's reverse roles.

Most people don't like their jobs - that's why they have to pay you to show up everyday. I didn't fall into that group, I really liked my job, I was happy to show up to work every morning.

Then I was accused/identified of reporting the strategic business unit to the Corruption and Crime Commission and that's when my enjoyment of the job ended. From what I gathered when I was accused in the office, an anonymous report had been made and I was the guy to be held responsible.

When you are employed in the state government, it is the duty of government employees to report unethical and corrupt behaviour to the relevant authority. This is exactly the reason why the state government created whistleblower legislation with the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003.

Severe penalties apply with up to a $24,000 fine and 2 years imprisonment for taking detrimental action against a person making a disclosure of wrongdoing. Yet we all know workplace bullying with people hiding behind positions granted via means not meeting the merit selection process is common practice in the government.

The Public Sector Commission has created a whole set of guidelines for disclosures, for managers and for public authorities. The guide for disclosures is titled Don't Be Afraid to Speak Up with a line from Plato on the front cover 'Your silence gives consent'

So when the roles were reversed and these people were subjected to the same behaviour and stresses they imposed on others, they didn't like it. You can bet they didn't like it, there was abuse, threats and screaming at me and they really thought it upset me.

No, it did not - this is what it feels like when the roles are reversed and the more these individuals react, the harder I laugh at them. I might not start the trouble but you can be sure I can return the stress to a higher level than it was dispatched.

You and your cronies created a toxic work environment and now you are the ones suffering the effects of this new workplace culture that has evolved - I can play this game too. Don't ever forget that; I can make your life more miserable than you could ever believe.

It cuts both ways and since I have been accused of making a public interest disclosure, I also fall within the provisions and the protections of the Act so there is little incentive to take detrimental action against me now - it just won't work.

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