
Tuesday 3 May 2016

The routes to wealth

The routes to financial wealth are numerous; a number of options are available for savvy capitalists on the road to affluence; instead hoping to short-cut the process of generating wealth through alternate means.

These routes to financial wealth include: winning it, suing for it, marrying into it or inheriting it. The lottery is pretty lucrative if you don't care about odds, the legal system is also lucrative in many countries although legal fees can put a dent in your return on investment. Marrying into money is pretty instantaneous, you have the advantage of having a significant other to help you spend it, although you might have to give half of it back if the relationship turn sour and there is always the issue of pre-martial contracts.

Inheritance is good in many respects, the downside is someone has to actually die for you to get your hands on their money. That's actually a bit of a downer but new found wealth allows you to get over it pretty quickly and people really don't live forever. Entrepreneurship is the obvious solution to financial independence, a number of possibilities do exist if innovation, hard work or sacrifice are not for you; you really can't beat earning it for yourself.

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