
Saturday 26 August 2017

Ramsay's management style

I used to watch Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares on television. As a frequent restaurant patron, I longed to see the inner workings of a kitchen that included restaurant service and how the integration occurred.

The show followed a defined format every episode, Ramsay would come in, order a meal, he would then trash the decor and service. The meal was always terrible at which point Ramsay would then have enough and storm into the kitchen and confront the chef. This would understandably create tension between members, a fight would ensure, colourful language would enter the vocabulary and the storm out would then occur - then the process of rescue would begin.

The revamp involves a menu overhaul, decor refit and then the long awaited relaunch. The reopening would involve Ramsay proving coaching; this however is not a positive process with Ramsay hurling abuse at selected staff members that includes an onscreen meltdown with Ramsay belittling, bullying and enacting management practices that were becoming outdated in the 1990s.

This was the actual reason why I actually watched the show, I have an interest in contemporary management practices and I like to compare my actual processes against industry benchmarks. There is no way I would ever talk to or treat an employee like he does, now he is running an exact same hotel show on the same tired format - amazing.

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