
Thursday 3 August 2017

A crusade against corruption

This has become my fight now, uncovering and exposing corruption in the public sector in an attempt to eradicate corrupt behaviour and misuse of public funds.

The abuse of public money, bribery, the intentional release of confidential information, perverting the course of justice, blackmail, the falsification of records, extortion or fraud all falls within the sphere of corrupt behaviour. What also falls within the sphere of corrupt behaviour is an individual or group of people taking advantage of their position to the benefit or detriment of any person.

I am a taxpayer and I am in a position to scrutinise the spending of public money; this isn't a private company where the directors and managers are spending their own funds. This is money generated from tax revenues by taxpayers such as myself, families struggling to make ends meet and self-funded retirees who have spent a lifetime paying taxes. We have an obligation to spend public funds wisely and in an efficient manner that benefits not only the taxpayer but society in general.

What really raises my ire is a bunch of people who have spent a lifetime being paid by the public purse and have never had to succeed in private enterprise carrying like they are in business. This lifetime public servant mentality tends to manifest as empire building, backside covering and a failure to undertake any personal risk.

These people are not in business, they think they are business leaders but never take any personal financial risk as a business owner and entrepreneur does. This attitude of entitlement has to be stopped, if public servants want to swan around like they are in business then they can build themselves a business with all the entitlements that business ownership brings.

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