
Thursday 27 August 2020

Reds under the Bed

In what might be a return to Reds under the Bed, Labor MP Shaoquett Moselmane has been raided by ASIO officers and the Australian Federal Police.

Whilst this isn’t concerning, he has been very vocal in support for the Chinese handling of the coronavirus. At time of writing, there was a confirmed 21 million infections worldwide with 750,000 deaths, at the very least, this guy should be arrested for being a fuckhead.

How the fuck could that be considered successfully containing the virus? What, this is a good outcome, it could have been much worse, China has tanked the world economy, infected millions and it isn’t anywhere near finished yet.

Moselmane has openly praised China, he has also received free trips to China whilst selling Australian interests down the toilet. As he is an elected official, this guy is dangerous and his actions are counter to Australian interests - he needs a lengthy term of imprisonment.

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