
Tuesday 20 May 2014

Walking on the moon

One of the most enduring photographs of the Apollo 11 moon walks was Buzz Aldrin standing on the moon's surface with Neil Armstrong's reflection in his visor along with the leg of the lunar module.

During their two hour lunar surface sojourn; the Apollo 11 moonwalk didn't venture far from the lunar module, the greatest distance ventured was 60 metres from the Eagle, instead setting up science experiments such as retro reflectors and collecting samples. Amazingly, the moon landing lasted a duration of 21 hours encompassing the initial landing, preparing for lift-off, preparing for the moonwalk, repairing damage to the engine arming switch, a sleep and lift-off.
Some would argue this program was a waste of money, the moon landings produced no real scientific outcomes and was even faked. I am amazed at the engineering and the fact NASA, some 45 years later is unable to return to the moon's surface anytime soon and no other nation has landed humans on the moon's surface. The Apollo project, despite a number of setbacks was an categorical success - planned Mars exploration is built on the foundations of the Apollo moon landings.

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