
Tuesday 6 May 2014

Apple v Samsung again

With Samsung having to pay a fraction of damages sought by Apple smartphone patents, one has to ask, is it all worth it? I think not.

A Californian jury found Samsung did in fact violate some Apple patents ruling the South Korean company pay $US119 million in damages to Apple. However, in an interesting decision, the jury ruled in favour of Samsung counter-claims with Apple to pay Samsung damages of $158 million.

Apple launched aggressive litigation a number of years back with lofty aspirations of slowing the market penetration of Android powered smartphones, the largest rival to Apple's iPhone was Samsung's galaxy phones. Apple has massively failed, even a favourable decision last year is now being appealed.

This failing strategy won't get Apple any closer to stemming the market dominance of Android powered devices - major fail. Just get on with the job of designing better products increasing competition in the marketplace instead of trying to crush your opponent to lessen competition. Wasn't this the whine of Apple lovers years ago against Microsoft?

1 comment:

  1. Now Apple and Samsung have agreed on a truce to curb more pointless litigation. Not only that, they will work together on patent reform, one could argue, the Apple strategy of litigation has failed with Android devices now commanding 80% of the market. Apple failed to curb the popularity of Android devices not only losing legal battles on the way but damaging their brand in the marketplace - poorly played from the outset.
