
Saturday 8 February 2020

The flogs I was forced to work with

I never knew his first name, he was known at work as Ando, I don't know who named him whether it was himself or someone else but I suspect it was him. I worked with a whole bunch of ex-army guys so he was just another one of the flogs I had to deal with on a daily basis in a toxic work environment. 

Ando was a wanker, he caused a whole host of problems at work, a former army mechanic who would never stop talking about guns in the staff room. We were employed at a government college teaching trade based skills.

There were complaints from students with him talking about guns in class and acting in a threatening manner. About the same time he was there a number of racial complaints were made, none before he was ever employed and none after he left.

He also threatened staff members, I helped him as a new starter but there wasn't much point as he already knew everything according to his self-promoted views. So it was no surprise to anyone when he was found guilty of attempted murder by trying to shoot a guy.

Pulling out one of his guns and chasing a motorist whilst hanging his gun out the window firing indiscriminately at the on the Eyre Highway in South Australia in July 2013 will certainly get you locked up. His .357 magnum named precious put holes in the fuel tank of the motorist, so he couldn't argue he wasn't aiming at the motorist.

Indigent to the end, everyone are fools, the motorist whom he described as a creep, the police, the magistrate are apparently all idiots. He thought this would all blow over and he would come back to work, our management were unwilling to fire him so should he got off on a technicality could have well done so.

He received 14 years imprisonment for attempted murder so we won't need to worry about him coming back for a few years yet. I am out of there too, sick of dealing with the flogs that we had to endure, I have a new lease on life back dealing with high performing teams and individuals.  

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