
Saturday 5 November 2016

Death in the evening

The western media has picked up the current events in the Philippines, the extra-judicial killings orchestrated by former Davao mayor and now president Rodrigo Duterte are a major issue.

So before I am inundated by hate mail from Filipinos; we all know Duterte has an approval rate around or above 90%, we know he is supported internally.

I am against drugs, I am against organised crime and I am against corruption. What I am also against is extra-judicial killings, it's really murder and I'm against lawlessness.

On one hand, the president campaigns against corruption and then hands what is widely regarded as one of the most corrupt organisations in the country the ability to conduct operations with impunity.

This photograph brought it home to me, the human element of organised crime, the targeting of the most vulnerable group in the Philippines - the poor and uneducated.

To get away with murder, all you have to do is accuse a person of drug addiction, gun them down and put a cardboard sign alongside their lifeless body accusing them of being a pusher. I love all the comments from ultra-nationalistic

Filipinos telling everyone to shut it, zip it or they are just ignorant. Government orchestrated murder is still murder. So why do I have an interest in this?

Well, I have a number of friends living in the Philippines, will the lawlessness continue? Once the president tires of the so-called war on drugs, who next is on the hit list? His business competitors maybe?

President Duterte is an unabashed admirer of former president Ferdinand Marcos, he released his body from the mausoleum to be buried in the heroes cemetery - you have to be joking.

In 2003, the Philippine government demanded the return of $683 million USD  from a Swiss bank account that was actually granted by a Swiss court.

Now all they have to do is recover the rest of the $10 billion USD plundered from this poverty stricken country by the Marcos regime - these are not good signs. 

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