
Tuesday 17 September 2013

Spring is here

Winter has now passed and spring is upon us; the days are getting longer, warmer and with the changing of the season, the feeling of thawing begins.

A Sunday at Kings Park is always a good day, one immediately sees wildflowers blooming with the activity of the local bee population gathering and transferring pollen at a frantic pace.

The sun was out on this magnificent Sunday afternoon; people were milling around the park lands, concerts in full flight with families partaking in picnics laid out on blankets on the grass. Like the bee population, Kings Park was alive with activity. 

Myself included and armed with my camera intent with capturing the moment, I focused my lens on some of the amazing wildflowers in the park. All in all, this was a pretty good Sunday.


  1. Ah, spring. Birds chirp, flowers begin to bloom. It is the time of hope and happiness..

  2. A new beginning, spring is truly hope.
