Displaying the very traits of an entitled American victim, rapper will.i.am from the Black Eyed Peas embarrassed not only himself but pretty much any public personality. I hate the term celebrity, he acted as a spoilt child initially before claiming racism - bad move mate.
He was in Australia and flying on a Qantas flight, this is the airline with the world’s best safety record. If he is instructed to stow his laptop on landing to prevent the object from becoming a flying projectile and injuring an innocent person in the cabin - then he should do just that.
His entitled behaviour was reprehensible, he is clearly used to getting away with whatever he wants based upon his celebrity status in the United States. The rules apply to everybody, especially when safety is involved and trying to claim his noise cancelling headphones is just a weak cop out.
He is quickly learning that Australia has an egalitarian society, sure there is business class and economy class but you pay for that level of service. However, he is finding out that regardless of the seat you have on an aircraft, an expected level of behaviour is required and he failed that expectation.
Then the situation becomes funnier, or more absurd, depending upon your point of view. He then claimed racism because he was told to pull his head in and follow the cabin crew’s instruction when he would not follow mandatory safety requirements.
So like a spoiled brat, he goes and tweets he name and details of the flight attendant trying to do her job to his legion of 12 million plus Twitter followers. Only the unintelligent and weak minded go and claim victim status for their poor behaviour instead of just apologising and stowing his laptop as required.
Qantas has been brilliant, CEO Alan Joyce has supported his employee superbly by willing to sponsor expensive defamation action against the rapper. He thought he was untouchable, he incorrectly thought his wealth and privilege would protect his boorish and unacceptable behaviour.
Now he will find out that Qantas has deeper pockets than him and will pursue him harder than he ever imagined. I respect a company that supports their staff and I fully support Qantas here. They have backed their staff to provide a safe working environment and I hope they take this defamation action all the way and hold him accountable for his actions.