
Sunday 27 July 2014

WA Inc - a lesson still not learnt

Coming from a rich western country, corruption is something we are supposed to read about in poor developing countries - or so I thought. The Western Australian government led by the now disgraced premier Brian Burke engaged high profile businessmen in shady business deals.

I am now employed by the state government; a large portion of my retirement benefits are invested in the Government Employees Superannuation Board (GESB); a number of the WA Inc investments (and hence losses) were underwritten by the fund in the 1980s.

While this doesn't necessarily affect me now as the losses were realised in the 80s, the fund was manipulated by corrupt politicians (and their union lackies) previously and could be corrupted in the future.

Brian Burke is now a government lobbyist, connected to just departed Labor Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, the former prime minister's dealings with Brian Burke as can be described as concerning at best.

Previous Labor Prime Minister Julia Gillard is facing her own corruption inquiry, her support of disgraced Labor politician Craig Thompson on 173 corruption charges (that will not be contested) and support for her selected speaker (Peter Slipper) who is facing his own dishonesty charges sets a very low parliamentary standard.

Slipper is also facing court regarding legal action brought about by former employee James Ashby in regards to sexual harassment for vulgar references to female genitalia and grooming Ashby as a sexual partner.

Julia had no issues recruiting this fool from the Liberal party as the Speaker of the House when it kept her minority government in power, no outrage about misogyny when it suits her political goals.

Corruption in the Australian Labor Party, trade unions and trade union members promoted to government positions and the Australian Council of Trade Unions is rife and still largely unaccountable.

The fallout from the WA Inc days where unionists struck business deals using taxpayer money, unionists booking private bills to union credit cards and creating slush funds from union members fees to purchase private property. The corruption of the weakest members of the workforce is incorrigible.

One has to remember, the Australian Labor Party is staffed by a bunch of unionists who have absolutely no experience in business (with the exception of Gary Gray) but have illusions of grandeur of their business abilities.

They have played in business with public funds and lost big time, Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard and Wayne Swan have also played that game with the mining tax and carbon tax having had their pants pulled down, they are confused and unrepentant.

If you are entrepreneurial, get in their and risk your own funds because for too long, the steady flow of funds from gullible union members have funded their ambitions.

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