
Tuesday 12 June 2018

49 and still running

This doesn't happen every morning, but I do try to perform this ritual at least twice a week, once on my day working from home and on the weekend. At 49 years of age, I still get up and undertake a 5 km run twice a week. These days I run to my heart rate monitor as the purpose is to increase my cardio-vascular activity to ensure my heart and lungs remain a degree of fitness.

The speed isn't fast nor are the times quick, once what took me about 20 minutes now takes about 40 minutes but I am happy to get through a session. I read that people over 40 shouldn't be running anymore, they should engage in less impact intensive activities but I like a run in the morning. My left knee hurts, I have hamstrings issues resulting from the knee and associated strain. My right kidney hurts along with my right ankle, probably my feet are feeling the stress too as I'm not 75 kg anymore but closer to 100 kg.

I normally cool down by watering the front lawn and garden by hand before upping the intensity again for a short free weights session. At this stage I wouldn't change my running habits, I live close to Lake Monger and really enjoy the circuit around the lake, the views are fantastic, the wild life interesting and I use the time to think. I can nearly author a blog post in a single run and need to quickly shower up after the free weights to hit the keyboard whilst the sentence is still coherent in my head. Yep, I wouldn't give up my running sessions however slow and lacking rhythm anytime soon.

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