You walk out the front and there are cigarette butts everywhere, this is the front gate of the college - the main entrance. People entering the college are greeted with staff standing out the front standing around puffing on a cigarette, students lazing about smoking and the grass is littered with cigarette butts - is this really the image the college wants to project?
Ironically, our evacuation point is the smoking area, this isn't an actual legitimate or designated smoking area but it is an official evacuation area. So the last time we had a fire drill, I reckon I inhaled more smoke than if I stayed in a burning building.
I fired off an email to the campus manager asking about this and was not met with an answer, nobody wants to tackle this issue and that is why it will continue to be a problem. Now I am out, this doesn't affect me just now but my job is open and I may be back - I will tackle it then.
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