In Australia, we view the American love of firearms with much trepidation. We understand that the constitution of the United States of America specifically states the needs of the age required an armed militia. I would not as an Australian attempt to lecture Americans on gun laws, I do ask the simple question, why are such powerful weapons found on the streets these days?

The rifle of the age was a single shot musket; people just didn't walk into public areas and start shooting up. If the authors of the constitution foresaw such events, surely they would acted differently to protect the people from needless violence.
The second amendment to the American constitution was adapted in 1791 and influenced by the English Bill of Rights of 1689. The second amendment reads A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
The last time I checked, the US no longer requires a militia; instead a professional military complete with aircraft carriers, ballistic missile submarines, F-22 fighter jets, B-52 bombers and armed drones among other hardware - what would a handful of people running around with rifles do really?
The United States constitution was written after the War of Independence of 1775 to 1783 when the United States did not have such a mighty military for self defense; in such a case, a militia was justified. If you want to overthrow the government, why not head off to the polling booth?
The constitution may be amended if the will of the people is strong enough. I am glad the Port Arthur massacre allowed a strong government fed up with Hoddle Street, Surry Hills, Strathfield and Queen Street mass shootings to act decisively removing unnecessary firearms from the community in Australia.
The constitution may be amended if the will of the people is strong enough. I am glad the Port Arthur massacre allowed a strong government fed up with Hoddle Street, Surry Hills, Strathfield and Queen Street mass shootings to act decisively removing unnecessary firearms from the community in Australia.
I wonder if they would have still made these laws if they knew people would use guns to head down their local school and start shooting children?