I have a fundamental problem with international criminal organisations dictating Australian immigration policy, it is clear after six years of weak willed policy failures, we now have strong leadership who implement their plans in the best interests of our nation.
Sunday, 2 February 2014
Budgie smugglers versus people smugglers
People smuggling is a business run by criminal organisations - this despicable business is trafficking human misery for profit. The notion of people smuggling is an emotive and divisive community issue, however, the problem of people smuggling was solved before Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard overturned successful policy allowing the people smuggling cartels to rebuild their business models. The end result, more than 50, 000 people arrive on Australia's shores by boat, over 1100 deaths at sea and a fortune spent running offshore processing centres.
People, that is, their clients are paying people smuggling cartels to transport them across the sea to Australia - Indonesia is the staging point for the boat trip. How are they actually getting from their country of origin to Indonesia? After all, a plane ticket is a cheaper option into Australia, much cheaper than the people smuggling option - yet people don't use this option, why? You need a visa to arrive legally by plane to get into Australia, to get into Indonesia, most citizens require a visa, without doubt, they require a valid passport. The question then arises, once in the company of people smugglers, why do their passport and legal documents somehow vanish on route to Australia?
I have no problem with immigration, I would not be concerned if we increased out immigration intake, in fact, I believe we should do so in a controlled manner. Furthermore, I believe as a nation we should increase our refugee intake inline with general immigration - the main point is, we run the bloody show, not organised crime cartels. It's budgie smugglers versus people smugglers - it appears budgie is gaining ascendancy.
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