It's December with Christmas now two and a half weeks away - the Jacaranda trees are in full purple bloom, always warming the heart of a Fremantle Football Club supporter. The WA Christmas tree is also in full flight with its distinctive gold flower blooming only in December, the Eucalyptus Erythrocorys Illyarrie is a local Mallee tree known locally as the Christmas tree.
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Starting to feel a lot like Christmas
Summer is here, after a spluttering start with thunderstorms and rain during the first week, the warm weather is finally upon us - yippee. Local legend has it that Santa travels around the antipodean continent with a sleigh pulled by boomers, that is, large male kangaroos. He can forget the large coat and swap the trousers for a pair of board shorts.
It's December with Christmas now two and a half weeks away - the Jacaranda trees are in full purple bloom, always warming the heart of a Fremantle Football Club supporter. The WA Christmas tree is also in full flight with its distinctive gold flower blooming only in December, the Eucalyptus Erythrocorys Illyarrie is a local Mallee tree known locally as the Christmas tree.
Christmas is, of course, sun, hot summer weather and time spent outdoors. The notion of a white Christmas is totally foreign to me unless you spend the day at the beach; the white sand, brilliant blue hues of the ocean and contrasting dune cover makes a fantastic Christmas scene. I wouldn't have it any other way.
It's December with Christmas now two and a half weeks away - the Jacaranda trees are in full purple bloom, always warming the heart of a Fremantle Football Club supporter. The WA Christmas tree is also in full flight with its distinctive gold flower blooming only in December, the Eucalyptus Erythrocorys Illyarrie is a local Mallee tree known locally as the Christmas tree.
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